
October 11, 2009

Tie for Your Little Guy

Today I'm featuring an etsy seller's pattern that I use all the time:

I have so many cutsie frillie girlie items, but-- I love the simplistic, baby-masculine look of these ties. They are reversible for extra versatility and made with elastic for long lasting use. I added velcro so you don't have to stretch it over his head, just undo and redo! Because I don't have any little girls to spoil with tutus and hair clips, I make them a new tie anytime a special occasion arises.

I made matching ties for my sister's wedding back in June
(don't they look like they are having fun? The ones who are having melt-downs are my two children, of course!)
and just finished a few for a friend whose baby so graciously modeled his for us:
(Thanks Connor!)
I made a few of these little brother/big brother matching tie and onesie set for a few friends who just had their second boy. There is nothing cuter than a baby boy with a matching big brother!

These ties are super easy to make and I'll point you in the right direction. Go here.
(They close their shop on Sundays, {which I really admire} so I will post the direct link in the morning.) They will email you the pattern which is so easy to use, even a beginning sewer could pull it off! Thanks leila & ben!


  1. Oh those are sooo sooo cute! You really do a great job! I can't wait to get the little toy block! Oh and I love the way you name everything like diaperdoo and buperoo, that is so me! I love it!

  2. super cute. we love our kirstikoo ties! my little boy is such a little stud in them. :D
