
July 29, 2010

Taking a Break...

Earlier this month we moved from our lovely home in Texas to the place where I grew up in Southern California. We are in a transition period- living with my parents while we save up money to get our own place- and all my crafting goodies are packed away in storage until we move into our own house. That's not my only excuse for taking a break from work. My boys are 3 yrs and 18 months--which means my cute little baby just turned into a (cute) whirlwind of a toddler. Both my boys are active and crazy and require my full attention! We lay in bed and read books about komodo dragons that "have germs in their mouth that would kill me" says my ever-so-interested-in-animals toddler. We take walks to parks with playgrounds and grassy parks that are perfect for picnics with circus animal cookies and punch drinks. Basically, I'm soaking up the I have young kids who occupy my every drop of energy life. And I love it.

So while my creations are on hold, I'm praying that my creative juices will return when I'm ready to get back to it. I've thought about creating patterns for my work to share with other sewing lovers, but that also takes a lot of work and a lot of time. So we'll see what comes of that. Until then, I promise to show you all the amazingly beautiful projects I see in the meantime that make it to my to-do-in-the-future list, and artists who I adore that I just have to share with you.
Today, I'm soaking up the beauty of Chrisy Lee Creations, a site that I've been anticipating for months, and has made its debut better than I could have ever imagined. This girl is amazing. Not only does she have the most creative mind, but she helps others along the way, sending adoption pass along cards to help spread the word on couples hoping to adopt. She's my partner in crime at Sending Smiles, one of my lovely swap sisters at Swaperoos and she makes beautiful handmade dolls. I'm talking, I really really want a baby girl next so that I can buy oodles of Chrisy dolls to match our every mood and season. With the launch of her new site, she is giving away 3 Ezzmerelda dolls, just in time for Halloween. She was my swap partner for our first Fall Swap last year, and made me 2 really cute Halloween dolls- a Glinda the Good Witch and a cute Mummy! So I'm secretly (ok not really a secret anymore) hoping to win this giveaway to bring in another beauty to my Fall collection! Go here for the giveaway information!

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