
October 1, 2010

Halloween: Day #1- Happy*Halloween! Banner

I'll be kicking off our 13 Days of Halloween with this oober-cute and easy-peasy Happy*Halloween! banner:
I started off by figuring out how to fit the most triangles as possible onto my paper pack (from JoAnns, by the way). It ended up being about 3 1/4 across the top and 4 3/4 inches down...
Next step is to punch a 3-inch scallop per letter (16 for HAPPY*HALLOWEEN!) out of white cardstock and using black stickers, applied a letter per scallop ( I got a pack of stickers that contained both upper and lower case letters, giving me 2 banners per pack!)
Then using double-stick tape (high-tech, I know!) apply the scallops to the triangle pennants.
Punch holes in the two corners, and tie cute ribbon in between each pennant.
12 inch pieces for the 1st and last one, and 5 inch pieces to double knot and of course cut at an angle (way cuter at an angle!)
Hang, and enjoy! I think it would be awesome to find some double sided papers so it would look great from two different rooms over an archway... just a suggestion for next time.
Until then, anyone want a Happy*Halloween! Banner for themselves? Enter the giveaway and be sure to check back for the next 12 Days of Halloween posts!! Random winner will be announced Oct. 15, 2010!
To enter for the chance to win a banner, comment with your favorite thing about Halloween!
For an additional entry, become a follower of Kirstikoo Handmade Gifts or like our facebook page (if you've already done this, it counts!)
For another entry, copy our 13 Days of Halloween button or post about it on a blog/facebook/twitter!
THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED!! But I would still love to hear any comments :)


  1. Kirsti, You are so clever and crafty! I love the banner!!! We miss you down here in Allen!

  2. My favorite thing about Halloween is the choosing of the costumes. I know what is going on in my child's life due to what they decide to be. I also hand out otter pops to all the trick or treaters and giggle when I see all the popsicle wrappers laying all over the neighborhood the next morning!

  3. My favorite thing about Halloween is the excitement from Joseph! This is the first year he's really been excited and it's so infectious. I love it!

  4. Hmm... my favorite thing about Halloween is my sister...She's just so pretty.

  5. P.S. I follow you and posted you on facebook

  6. I just liked you on fb. So glad I found this blog. Such cute inspirations. My favorite thing about Halloween is dressing up my kiddos.

  7. So cute Kirsti! I love that I have cute kids to dress up!

  8. Ah- I love this!!! I am so going to make me one...though it probably won't be until after Halloween. Next year though right?!?

  9. This is adorable I think I got to try this out!

  10. Just so adorable!! I love all of the prints that you used. Very cute! And what a fun party this is. I love coming over to see the projects!


  11. My favorite thing is the cute kids in costumes and all of the kind people who give them treats!

  12. My favorite thing about halloween is Candy Corn and Pumpkins, picking out a pumpkin from the patch!

  13. I became a follower! I love all the halloween Ideas

  14. My favorite thing about Halloween is a tie between the candy and the cute little kids in costumes that they love but can harldy walk in :)

  15. I just added the button to my blog and became a follower. I love seeing all the little goblins on Halloween. especially my own. But my absolute FAVORITE thing is baking yummy, spooky treats for my family and friends

  16. My favorite thing about Halloween is the fun colors!! Orange, Purple, it! And of course, CANDY CORN!! :) And pumpkins....ok I LOVE everything about Halloween! :D

  17. I tweeted, followed on FB, blogged about it.....I really want to win this! ;)
