
October 9, 2010

Day #7- Haute Halloween headband

Hello from LollyJane again! :)
This is Kristi, the other twin, and today I'm going to show you how to make a
haute Halloween headband.

Supplies needed:
  • Festive Halloween bow ($1 bin at Target)
  • Nylon knee socks (clearance at Target)
  • Alligator clips (found mine at Sally Beauty supply)
  • (2) 4" piece of (scrap) ribbon
  • Sewing machine & Hot glue
Step 1: Remove bows from standard clips

Step 2: Fold the foot of the knee sock into the opening and fold extra fabric under.

Step 3: Stitch it into place with your sewing machine or by hand.

Step 4: Hot glue one of your 4" ribbon strips to the back of the headband (covering the folds.)
IMPORTANT: Don't glue to the front of the headband: you need a gap for your alligator clip.

This is what the front of your headbands should look like :)

Step 5: Make sure your ribbon is snug (so the bow won't budge during wear) by testing out the alligator clip.

Step 6: Glue to bow onto the alligator clip.
OPTIONAL: You can glue a second scrap ribbon in the "mouth" of the alligator clip to hide the hot glue marks if you want it to look nice & tidy :)

That's it!
Just clip your cute bows onto the headband- because they simpy clip on, they're interchangeable so you can use them at non-Halloween times, too!

PS: Did I mention I'm the twin with the son? ;)
He sure makes an ugly girl!  hee hee hee
Hope you enjoyed the tutorial on LollyJane's haute Halloween headband.
Stop on over to our little blog for other Halloween DIY's!

Thanks again to KirstiKoo for hosting this SPOOKTACULAR party!!! :)


  1. Ohhh that is too fun!! Too ad my little girl is older and won't wear a headband. :o( Hmmmm- Maybe I can make one for me!! Lol!! ;0)

  2. Wow, that looks great! How can something so scary look so pretty? I really like the headband idea, very cute! Thanks for sharing this with us! :)
