
March 25, 2011

April Fools- Meatloaf Cupcakes

Wow! 2 posts in 1 day? I'm onna roll! Just making up for lost time from the last couple weeks!

This is a project I did last year and will definitely be doing again this year! I will tell my family that it is a very special day and we get to eat cupcakes for dinner {insert cheers here} Then they will look at my weird when they taste the mashed potato frosting, but not care at all as they continue to eat it like a cupcake- "frosting" first and the whole thing with their hands. Why, yes we do dip cupcakes in bbq sauce. And, yes we do need to light a candle, make a wish, and blow it out before dinner starts. 'Cuz what kid wouldn't love to do that? Ok, I would too.

My favorite thing about these cupcakes (besides that they are made from Grandma Clark's Famous Meatloaf recipe) is that they take 25 minutes to bake instead of over an hour in a meatloaf pan. Planning ahead isn't one of my strong traits. But when I do have my act together, I usually make two batches at a time and stick one in the freezer in a meatloaf pan. They freeze really well, and come in handy the next time it's an hour before dinnertime and I have no plan and no milk. Oh, and p.s., I used potato buds for the "frosting"- cuz that's how I roll.

1 lb ground beef
1/2 lb ground sausage
1 cup milk
1 egg
1 sleeve Saltines Crackers (crushed up)
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp sage
chopped onion
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, then scoop into muffin/cupcake tins.
Bake at 350 deg. for 25-30 mins.
(OR for 75 mins in a meatloaf pan on any of the other 364 days of the year)

Seriously, this recipe is sooo yummy- I am NOT a big ground beef-eater, but the sausage makes it so tasty. We love it with BBQ sauce and Ketchup.
Linking up to Someday Crafts with lots of other great April Fools Ideas Here!!
Running with Glitter


  1. We made these too and my kids LOVED them! So cool!

  2. Ha ha ha!
    I love this!
    About a month ago, we made a meatloaf in a Brain jello mold(from Halloween). Then, we plopped it out and bakes it. My girls loved it!
    We got the idea from here..
    grosss huh?

  3. I love that, what a cute fun idea! I also love love love your Easter eggs! Way springy which is just what I feel like my home needs right about now!

  4. So fun!!!I'd love it if you would
    link up over at the glitter party!

  5. How fun, love it! Hugs and Happy Friday!
