
September 11, 2011

Halloween Banner Tutorial & Templates

Call me crazy but I am already decorating for HALLOWEEN!! 50 days away and I think I get more excited for Halloween than Christmas (well, maybe...) But I just had to do something this weekend to celebrate the 20 degree drop in temperature that tells me Fall is definitely here!
So I pulled out my favorite Fall and Hallo decs and put them up! I am still loving my dolls from Chrissy Lee Creations (comment with your info if you want more details on her lovely dolls)
and decided that I needed a festive garland to emphasize my excitement! I made this in less than an hour and spent less than $2!! If you can cut and sew in a straight line, you can make this banner!!
I've created a sheet of templates for you to use (make sure you print it off as an 8 1/2 X11 sheet and the sizes will be perfect.
You'll need a 9X12 sheet of felt in orange, white and black, (34 cents each!) and some ribbon scraps & cute buttons. (I got these pumpkin ones from JoAnns, but even plain buttons would look great.)
Cut out the shapes (I got 6 per felt sheet) and chain stitch them together:
so you have a continuous line of shapes!
Then sew on the button and ribbon loop so you can hang it up next to your favorite Halloween decorations!
{Linking up here}
Creations by Kara



  1. Love it! And I just got my sewing machine back, so I am SO making this next chance I get!

  2. Great simple project for even beginner projects. Thanks so much for posting at the Rhinestone Beagle.

  3. I love this cute little banner!! I have the banner you gave me in your swap package up !! I love it still :)

  4. I love it!! Thanks for the template, me and my three year old will have fun with this. Your crafts are so cute, yet not ridiculously hard to to, thanks for keeping it simple!

  5. I'm so glad I found your blog. I am making homemade window clings with my kids and your templates are Perfect!! Thanks for making these available!

  6. Oh so cute! Cant wait to make this for Halloween. Thanks bunches for supplying the template!
