
November 7, 2011

Sending Smiles Project: Raffles from the Heart!

Our current Smiles Project on Sending Smiles is all about dear friends of mine. Shannon and Daren Black were our college buddies years ago. Their beautiful daughter, Addi was just diagnosed with FOP (Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva), a rare genetic condition where bone is formed in muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissue. There is no effective treatment or surgery options, which is why research to discover a cure is so important!
Their sweet Addi is only 21 months old and this disease will eventually destroy her body if we don't find a cure. The IFOPA is really close to finding a cure and all proceeds from the raffle will go toward funding research and finding a cure for FOP. You can watch this video to find out more about the devastating symptoms and what they are doing to find a cure.
Go HERE to find out details about the Raffle From the Heart- you donate any dollar amount that you feel you can share before midnight on November 19, and recieve a raffle ticket for the chance to win one of many prizes! I'm not biased or anything but I'm very excited about a few of these prizes!
My Sending Smiles partner-in-crime, Christine has kindly donated a handmade doll or panda from her Chrisy Lee Creations line. Her dolls are exquisitely gorgeous and beautifully handmade! And I have donated $30 to Kirstikoo- good for any handmade gift, superhero costume set or baby items you see in my shop. There are jewelry, vinyl and other handmade items also being raffled off! Go check it out and donate as much as you find you can share from your heart.
Please remember that even little donations are important. Over 75% of FOP research is funded through friends and family of FOP patients like Addi. YOU are critical to finding a cure for this sweet girl. Also, if you have any items that you would like to donate to the raffle, let us know!!

Also, because NOVEMBER is the month that we celebrate being THANKFUL, we have 2 more Smile Projects coming very soon. I am thankful for my healthy family and children, which is why I am so excited to donate to this great cause. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said: "Whether we are rich or poor, regardless of where we live on this glove, we all need each other, for it is in sacrificing our time talents, and resources that our spirits mature and become refined."

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