
October 23, 2014

21 Day Fitness & Nutrition Challenge!

I don't know about you, but it takes me a long time to create a habit, and truly KEEP it. My day is jam-packed with good things- taking the kids to school, tidying up the house, preschool projects with my 2 year old, blogging, posting, picking up the kids, homework time, free-play while I prep dinner, make dinner, recover from dinner, baths/showers, reading time, bedtime and do it all again tomorrow!! I mean, that's a lot of things that I do for OTHERS, but I haven't had much ME time. I used to think that taking time for myself was selfish. Now I know that when I take the time for myself, I have MORE to give to others.

Do you feel like you are just giving, giving, and don't take time for yourself? That is so normal, especially for us moms who's sole purpose is to keep the kids happy and alive at the end of the day (only a little bit kidding here!)
I want to invite you to take the 21 day CHALLENGE to a better, stronger, happier YOU. In this challenge, we will incorporate both fitness & nutrition to help you feel better, have more energy and reach those health goals you've been putting off due to the craziness of mommyhood.. it's time!
So here are the details: 30 minutes a day of working out at home (because we are all busy!), portion control guidance with these color coded containers, and an ultra-nutritious shake full of dense superfoods that will help you lose weight, leave you with more energy, improve digestion and control junk-food cravings. It's a combination for success. Not only will you have all the resources you need to be successful but will be added to our amazing support group for tons of support & motivation to reach your goals!

{This specific 21 day group is JUST for women. But if you are a guy, my husband also runs fitness support groups for men only, so just let me know and I will connect you to him!}
To enroll in our 21 day Challenge, Go HERE or comment with your email for more details! {Submit your email in the online form for a free DVD and so I can chat with you about your goals to see if this program would be a good fit for you!}

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