
October 27, 2014

Fall into FOCUS- Fitness Accountability Group Sign Ups!

I'm excited to announce our next Fitness Challenge!! Who's ready to lose 5-10 pounds before Thanksgiving--the fun & healthy way!
We will combine Fitness & Nutrition along with tons of accountability & support to reach your goals! Our Clean Eating plan teaches about portion control and how to eat a balanced diet, and you will receive a 21 day meal plan that will take all the guesswork out of WHAT to eat! 
The workout program is 30 minutes a day (because we are all so busy!) with lots of variety, and a fool-proof schedule that you can follow along at any level- there's even a modifier that shows how to do the moves lower impact if you need to modify in the beginning! 
Our private accountability group is full of motivated women to help keep us on track!! We have a fun point system & prizes that makes getting fit so much more fun!
I don't like to admit this but I frequently fall into an idle, excuses, borderline depression mode when I am not on track fitness-wise. For me, working out & eating healthy helps me find a BALANCE and FOCUS on the most important things in life. I find that I am more open to revelation and creativity when I'm actively using my body. So I admit...
I've been a little off-track lately, and I'm not going to let my default mode find me victim to my sweet tooth & all these Halloween temptations this Fall! I LOVE setting goals for myself and having a balance in my days. I also love to help others get a plan and find so much joy in helping them reach their goals! Let's FOCUS on finding the BEST of ourselves!
I'm starting another 21 day round next week, so we will begin on November 5th and end November 26-- RIGHT before THANKSGIVING!! Can you believe it's a month away?? I just need a few friends to hold me accountable and I will do the same for you!! I also have an awesome CASH back offer for the first 3 people who are ready & committed to make the next 21 days AMAZING!
You can sign up HERE for our group, and I will message you FIRST so we can talk about your goals and make sure this program is a good fit for you! 

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