
December 28, 2015

Singing Time: Take a Journey with Jesus

I am now secretary in Primary but filled in for our Music Leader who had a sore throat. Since it was the last week of December I wanted to do an activity that focuses on Christ but not all Christmas songs. This would be a great activity for a week where you need to review some songs too! I printed the footprints (template HERE) on different colored paper (one sheet per color), cut them out and taped them to the chalkboard. You'll need the gospel art photos as well as a big magnet for your marker spot and a giant die, like this one: 
I chose a child from our sticks of names, but always remind them that "I'm looking for my next reverent helper..." as I pull the name out. They come up, roll the die and move that many spaces with the large white magnet. If they land on a white footprint, they get to pick their favorite primary song!
If they hit a picture, we stop and talk about it. I ask the child who is up front with me what they see in the picture and love the responses they give. You can always ask follow up questions to make them think a little deeper or teach them something new. Once we have talked about the picture, we sing the song that goes with it and then continue to play. I loved this lesson and activity and was grateful for the opportunity to bear my testimony to the children.

START: Where did we begin before we came to earth? In Heaven with Jesus and Heavenly Father. We are going to take a walk with Jesus today and look at the key points of His life and talk about how He has set a perfect example for all of us. 

NATIVITY PICTURE: What do you see in the picture? Talk about Christ's birth. Sing Away in a Manger (42) or He Sent His Son (34)

JESUS BEING BAPTIZED: Tell us about this picture. Why did Jesus need to be baptized even though he was perfect? Why are we baptized when we are 8 and not as babies? Sing When I am Baptized (103) or another Baptism song.

JESUS WITH THE DISCIPLES: Jesus loved to teach people and lots of people would stop and listen to His stories. What does it mean to be a "Disciple"? A disciple is a "Follower of Christ" You are all disciples because you are here at church and you love to learn about Jesus too! The apostles are chosen and called but anyone can be a disciple. Let's sing I Will Follow God's Plan (164) Listen carefully to the words and see what our choice was, and what our blessings are if we follow Jesus' example. ("my choice was to come to this lovely home on earth", "I will be happy on earth". 
We talked about this for a bit too.)

JESUS WITH THE CHILDREN: What do you see in the picture? How does it make you feel? How do you know that Jesus loved the children? That's right- in the scriptures we read that the adults told the children to go away because Jesus was teaching the people and What did Jesus say? "Succor the children" That means to bring them over. He LOVED the children, just like he loves you children. He taught them, he blessed them, he hugged them. Let's sing I Know that My Savior Loves Me

CHRIST AT SECOND COMING: What is this a picture of? Has it happened yet? When we got on the picture the kids in Junior primary yelled, "We got to heaven!!" They knew it was a picture of heaven and they were so excited to be there! Let's sing I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus (78). I love this song because it teaches me that we don't need to be perfect, we just need to try to do our best and follow Christ's example and be like Jesus in all the little things we do and say. We will sometimes be tempted, and we will make mistakes, but we can always repent and try to do better.

BEAR TESTIMONY of Jesus Christ 

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