
November 22, 2016

Enjoy your FEAST!

It's THANKSGIVING this week!! Believe me, I know the panic you're feeling!! There's baking to do, gifts to think about, family to prepare for, and in the back of your mind... the dreaded fear of gaining weight over the holidays!
I'm here to help with that! How about a TON of healthier recipes so you can enjoy those sweet potatoes without all the extra sugar, and some gravy without all the fat, and the rolls without too much guilt!

Let's avoid that gross bloated, turkey baby belly, "I can't move off the coach for hours" feeling. Here's an entire blog FULL of healthy recipes for your Thanksgiving Dinner! You're welcome!! :)

Also, here are 5 tips to enjoy your FEAST- before, during and after, without the guilt!
Don't sabotage all the work you've been putting into your health!

1. Get a good head start. Start your day with a healthy breakfast, such as two eggs and whole-grain toast and a side of mixed greens, or any combination that’s high in protein and fiber. Or, for me, it will be my favorite nutrition shake that has 9 servings of fruits and vegetables and tons of superfoods..and it tastes like dessert! This will help your body to feel satisfied with plenty of nutrients without a lot of calories and make you less likely to inhale the appetizers. Since you won’t be starving, you’ll be able to more likely to enjoy the main meal in moderation!

2. Get your sweat on. Before the day gets crazy, crank out 20 to 30 minutes of exercise. When I start my day with a good workout, It's easier for me to remember why I need to eat within reason. It's almost impossible to out exercise a bad diet. 

 3. Don’t go overboard on appetizers. It’s easy to consume 1,500 calories before the turkey even hits the table. Instead of skipping the baked brie altogether, fill most of your plate with vegetables and healthier choices, then leave just a little room for a taste of the indulgent snack. Remember portion control: An average serving of dip or cheese is one ounce, roughly the size of your two thumbs.

 4. Start with the greens! One easy way to totally redo your Thanksgiving plate (and still have all your favorites) is to start with the green veggies. Put the green beans and the salad on your plate first. Then, add the turkey (aim for the the skinless pieces if you can find them), and then add on your other favorites.The calories aren’t low, but they’re much more reasonable than the typical plate.
 5. Remember why you’re there. Between the football game and your aunt’s amazing pumpkin pie, take a moment to pause and reflect on what you’re thankful for this year. As tasty as the dishes are, nothing compares to the people we share it with. Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for the great people in our lives. Make them your feast and you will find yourself more fulfilled and less over weight!

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