Hello everyone! I'm Christine Dallimore from
Chrisy Lee Creations. I'm so thrilled that I was asked by Kirsti to participate in her 13 Days of Halloween! SO MUCH FUN!!!
Today's tutorial is for a Halloween Mummy. This little guy is so quick and easy to make. In fact, I put this fellow together while watching The Corpse Bride!!!
What You Will Need: **1 Bendable Muslin Doll (These can be found at any craft store in the doll section. I got this one on clearance at Michaels.... Ya-Hooo!! I have also seen them at Ben Franklin. I chose this one for it's cute long, lanky legs!)**Scraps Of Muslin. The amount will depend on how big and tall your muslin doll is. I purchased 1/4 of a yard and had plenty left over....which is fine by me....enough to make some
mummy friends I say!!
**Sharp Scissors, Needle, Black Embroidery Floss, Glue Gun w/Glue Sticks
** Silver Spray Glitter and Blush. These two are optional though!!

Cut your strips of muslin to about 1/4- 1/2 inch wide. For smaller parts of the mummy you will want thinner pieces. For larger areas you will want larger strips. Again, take into consideration how big your muslin doll is. I like to cut small strips into my muslin and then tear the rest to create some fringing. After all, mummies are supposed to be messy and ragged!

Take one strip of muslin and place a very small dot of hot glue on it. Begin with one foot and start wrapping. I like to cover the front toe area first and then wrap the muslin over his foot. Continue on up the leg. Remember to place a small dot of glue both at the beginning and the ending of each strip of muslin; gluing in place as you go and as needed.
**TIP: I also like to re-wrap the area I just glued. This way you can't see any "glue bumps" or ends. It just helps to make your mummy all looks nice and classy....but in a raggedy way! Lol!!

Wrap to the very top of the leg and repeat with the other side. At the end it should look a little something like this.

Now begin with the arms using the same process as you did with the legs; starting with covering the fingertips first. I also like to take a piece of muslin and wrap under the armpit and glue the end to the middle of his chest. This will help support the arm a little bit better and hide any raw spaces in his armpit!! Repeat with the other arm.

Now it's time to work with his head! My doll came with little seed beads for eyes. I just cut those out! Instead, I wanted my eyes to be uneven and a little bit closer together. Wrap a few pieces of muslin in the eye area and glue the ends to the back of his head.
Mark your eyes with a fabric pen (a pencil will work too!) Grab your needle and floss. Starting at the top of your mummy's head, pull the needle through one of your eye markings. Make a French Knot. When you are done with your french knot, pull your needle up back to the top of his head and repeat with the other side. When you are done, secure with tying your floss at the top of his head. You can also sew on buttons or paint your eyes on. The important thing is to use your creativity and have FUN! There are no wrong ways to make your mummy!

Continue wrapping the head, making sure not to cover his eyes. You do want to cover the knot from the floss at the top of his head though! I also like to wrap a few extra times in the area surrounding his eyes...this helps to make it seem like he is peering out at you!!
Now continue wrapping his body. Make sure you cover all of the original, raw parts of your doll.
When you are done, decorate your mummy how you wish!!! I sprayed mine with silver glitter spray. If you do this, spray lightly...a little goes a long way. Also remember to keep your mummy away from heat and open flames! You can also grunge up your mummy using brown or black paint. Just grab a scroungy brush, add a little paint and rub the paint off onto a scrap piece of paper. When the paint is barely noticeable, take your brush and grunge your mummy up!! For a more primitive mummy, dip your sponge brush into some tea and cover your mummy from head to toe. Lightly sprinkle with cinnamon. Then let him dry thoroughly. Be sure to use unsweetened tea otherwise your mummy will attract bugs- Eeeew!!! Even if it is Halloween, live bugs are NEVER cool! One that I like to use is instant Nestle, Nestea Mix.
Voila...You are done!!! Now stand back and admire your new fabulous Halloween friend!
Happy Hauntings!!!!
(Halloween digi embellishments come from the Jeepers line at Sweet Shoppe Designs. Created by Libby Weifenbach.)
That is so cute! I have got to make one of these!
holy smokes that is so cute! You make the cutest mummies!!
He is adorable! I think he should come live at my house. :)
so cute! I just love him!
what a cutie patootie mummy!! i want that tree he's next to as well! :)
Oh, he is just too cute!
I am in love with this little guy!! he is so stinkin cute!
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