
September 12, 2009

and the random winner is...

...Ashli Brown!!
who correctly guessed (as most of you did) that I created play pillow rattles! It was a fun project -I made 10 in the buyer's school colors of purple and yellow.

In the process I also created a crinkle toy that I will have available in my store soon. The secret ingredient is wipes packaging which makes a great crinkly noise that my little baby loves! Some of his favorite things to play with have been wipes packages (as he proceeds to pull out the 80 wipes...), candy wrappers, ziplock bags and grocery sacks (with supervision, of course) so I knew it would be a hit!!

please, please excuse these pictures-- I have no editing software that lets me crop my images. I REALLY want photoshop for Christmas!

Ashli, I'll send you an email and you can pick colors for your free play pillow rattle...just in time for little one #3. (can I vote for a girl?)

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