
September 14, 2009

Fall Time Favorites Swap

It feels like fall here. I love this time of year. School started, it's cooling down, the anticipation of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas coming soon gives me the giggles. A stroll down the decoration isles has me grinning from ear to ear.

I've decided to host a fall gift exchange!
Anyone can participate by gathering together some fun Fall, Halloween or Thanksgiving items: decorations, treats, paper crafts, accessories, you name it! The items should come to a value of about $15. They could be handmade or store bought, or a combination of the two. Though I always love handmade items, I don't want to discourage anyone who doesn't feel "crafty" from joining the swap. "The more, the merrier," I always say!

Here's how to participate:
Email me (Make sure you spell my name right with "i" before "r"!)

Give me your address and tell me 5 things about yourself that you want your swap partner to know about you so she can customize their gift to your needs/family size/particular likes.
I will pair you with your swap partner by September 30.
Create or buy your fall-time favorite items, package them up and send them to your swap partner by October 15. PLEASE HAVE YOUR PACKAGE POST MARKED BY OCT. 15
Receive your new holiday items and enjoy!!

**I need your help in promoting this swap!! Grab the button or copy the banner, post about it on your blog and post pictures of your gift when you receive it! Please share with me any suggestions you may have along the way. Depending on how many people are interested, we may want to do this again for the winter season!**

Copy this code onto your blog!

Also leave a comment telling everyone you entered and tell us your favorite thing about fall time!


  1. Of course, count me in! I'm so excited to start making some fall-time surprises for this swap! My favorite thing about fall time is playing outside in the crunching leaves. Let's just hope Isaac keeps them out of his mouth. :D

  2. yes please!! :) i'm SO in! i love free sign up for the giveaway on my blog, ends the 21st!

  3. oh! my favorite thing about fall, although az doesn't really have a fall, is halloween! i love trick or treating with my kids...they are so entertaining! :)

  4. Count me in! I love making things! I love fall, although in AZ it really doesn't start until Nov. I just love the cooler weather that starts to creep in. :)

  5. Signed up! I love everything about fall. We lie in MI so this time of year the state is changing colors.

  6. I signed up! I love everything about the reminds me of starting school when I was younger. I love Halloween and Thanksgiving, and the changing colors of the leaves (even though our leaves aren't even orange yet). I also love decorating the house for fall. I love it all. Thanks for organizing this!

  7. I just found your blog and I am sad I missed the deadline for this! But I just wanted to say I love all your items! So cute, I love this kind of thing!! Love the toys!! Going to check our your etsy shop right now!

  8. Thanks for extending the date! I just emailed I want to join!
    I LOVE fall. My favorite part is Halloween. Growing up my dad grew a HUGE pumpkin patch. Then in the fall we sold the pumpkins in town. I miss that so much.

    We are looking to adopt. Check us out at
