Amanda from Shindig Parties has offered to Giveaway a Let It Snow Printable Set!

This thing is jam-packed with Christmas goodies from gift tags to buffet food cards, 2" Christmas logos, 4" and 8" signs, cupcake wraps and more! Bright and happy with stripes and polka dots (my two favorite things!) in red, blue and apple green in a super fun font!
I loved her Thanksgiving Printable; we enjoyed having a decorative table for the feast and especially enjoyed doing the I am so Thankful For... cards! I also had enough tags and cute paper to decorate loaves of pumpkin bread we shared with our friends.
To enter this giveaway, become a fan of Shindig Parties on Facebook HERE and follow my blog (if you don't already!) Leave us a comment with your favorite thing about Christmas or Winter!
Comments close December 20th- with just enough time for the winner to print these goodies out and start decorating for some celebrating. Winner will be announced before Tuesday, Dec. 21st!
**and look for my Christmas Tree Pillow tutorial and template coming soon! I'll be linking up with Christmas ideas, so you won't want to miss the next post!

Thanks so much, Kirsti! Can't wait to see who wins. And I really enjoyed your post on running an Etsy business. Thanks so much for your helpful advice.
My favorite thing about Christmas is the HUGE gathering we have with family. My husband has big family, 9 siblings, and my kids have 31 cousins. So, Christmas day is full to the brim and such fun catching up with all of them!
Favorite thing aboout Christmas is that I get to see my family. I live about 6 hours drive away and don't get to see them that often. I love visiting Mom and Dad, the visiting, shopping and chatting is really fun to do.
What I love about Winter is the much anticipated cooler weather, shorter days, wearing snuggly sweaters and enjoying a cup of hot tea!
My favorite thing about winter is snow. Really!! So I love the snowman theme of this printable set.
I love how homey my house feelings during winter when I pull out all my snowman and snowflake decorations.
Decorating, fires in the fireplace, days off work, LOL, and spending time with family. Thanks!
My favorite thing about winter is the colder weather (I live in FL, so I really get sick of the heat!). My favorite thing about Christmas is my daughter's joy and excitement!
I think its a tie between the Christmas music and baking. So many fun things to bake!
what a cool blog. I am your newest follower!! you be 'cha I'm loving all you have posted!
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